July 22, 2016

一頁故事—莊雁婷個展 A Page of Story—CHUNG Yen-Ting Solo Exhibition


台新好藝: 一頁故事—莊雁婷個展 展期|2016/07/04 - 2016/08/26




藝術家 莊雁婷

生於台灣台北,畢業於紐約帕森設計學院研究所MFA碩士。曾獲文化部視覺暨表演藝術人才出國贊助至美國洛杉磯第十八街藝術中心(18th street art center)駐村,及佛里曼基金會(Freeman Foundation)亞洲藝術家獎助計畫至美國佛蒙特藝術中心(Vermont Studio Center)駐村交流。作品曾入選紐約A.I.R.藝廊亞洲女性藝術家專題展覽,並於紐約PULSE藝博會、Sheila C. Johnson 設計中心、紐約The Kitchen藝廊等地展出。近期在紐約NARS Foundation駐村以及布魯克林的cloyingPARLOR展演。

A Page of Story—CHUNG Yen-Ting Solo Exhibition

 When I first came to New York in 2008, I looked at the snowy city through a tiny window. Many pedestrians wearing black coats walked into a subway station in a snow-laden landscape. It was as if they were black birdmen, diving into the ground in a slow pace. Since then, living in the city has become a fantastical source of visual experience for me.

The subway swiftly snakes beneath the urban surface with its passengers. High-rise buildings become floating dens, harboring countless sorrowful and exhausted people in mid-air. Moon-chasing birdmen, earthbound birds, people who chase and attack giant beats, blind wolves, and scattering snakes and dragons, these imaginary, hybrid beings form a contrast to the wonders of New York City. Chung begins a dialogue with the city of New York in her writing, and the symbols frequently appear in her writings become characters, starting to speak in a strange tongue.

Therefore, all the cityscape is transformed into indescribable scenes of fantasy. As these mysterious creatures roam in the city, it seems that only small children can pick up their transient traces. Through Chung's works and her writings of these mystic creatures, their stories quietly unfold in this boisterous city through various techniques.