July 26, 2011

Chain Letter

Curated by Christian Cummings & Doug Harvey
July 23 - August 25, 2011
Opening Saturday, July 23 / 6-8 pm

Shoshana Wayne Gallery is pleased to present a summer group show curated by Christian Cummings and Doug Harvey.

Chain Letter is a group exhibition based on admiration.  Initially conceived by Christian Cummings and Doug Harvey in 2006, inclusion in the exhibition is based on invitation by someone who admires your work.  Each artist invited then invites ten other artists whom they admire, and so on.  This email invite will circulate for thirty days, at the end of which each artist will install their own work on the floor at Shoshana Wayne Gallery. 

This exhibition is rooted in the ideals of inclusion, and highlights the social nature of the art world.  It is the hope of the curators that the response will be vast and that the artists represented will be an exponential representation of all artists that are currently working and admired by their peers.

Chain Letter mimics communication today; and the way in which information is passed.  The outcome will be a testament to the power of connectivity within society at present.

Other cities worldwide will be participating in the Chain Letter exhibition including New York City, London, Paris, Johannesburg, Philadelphia, Boston, Seoul.  For more information, please visit the gallery website at: www.shoshanawayne.com, or email marichris@shoshanawayne.com

July 12, 2011

Downtown LA Art Walk

每個月的第二個禮拜四舉辦的Downtown LA Art Walk

藝術家Arzu帶我以及兩位intern一起前往Downtown LA, 約一小時車程到。

街上充滿擁擠的人潮, 有前往街頭現場演唱, 也有是要去畫廊或創意市集的人。街上不時出現名人, 有人追逐狂拍, 可惜我們都不認得XD


大樓牆面不時可以看到大型塗鴉, 這個城市就像沙漠的陽光一樣充滿熱力。

街頭有許多賣食物的車, 填飽肚子後, 大家畫廊一家逛完再去另一家。

氣氛像街頭party一樣, 從某一家喝到另一家, 也有人很high很醉, 尤其是看街頭Live饒舌表演, 街頭充滿看表演與拍照的民眾與維持秩序的警察。

不知道是什麼饒舌明星, 大家狂拍照片


Open Studio at 18th Street Art Center

Yarn Bombing活動, 十八街藝術中心外面的路樹, 椅子, 車子等都由毛線包住


My Studio at #1659

工作的書桌佈置, 因為白天studio太亮, 借了電視播放動畫。


和參觀的人聊天, 這位是在演唱會工作的製作人, 他太太是建築師, 給了我許多意見


等天色暗了, 再用投影機播放作品介紹

大家都很認真看完, 跟我討論一些想法, 給我一些他們知道某些LA藝術家也做這方面的建議
    最常聽到Tim Burton, 他們說剛好他正在LACMA展覽, 叫我一定要去看

我的鄰居studio, 每幅畫都超大, 工作室總飄著松節油與咖啡混合的氣味

也是鄰居之一, 充滿音樂, 像pub一樣

